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  The moon rises at a predestined angle and awakens the sleeping Dr. Phibes in 1928, three years after the events of the previous movie. To his dismay, he finds that his house has been demolished and his papyrus scrolls stolen, the scrolls he needs to find the Pharaoh's Tomb in Egypt, where the River of Life flows. After identifying the source of the papyrus theft, he packs and leaves for Egypt with his assistant Vulnavia - whose face displays no effects from the acid shower she received at the end of the previous film (although the character is now played by a different actress, Valli Kemp). His primary goal is the awakening of his dead wife, Victoria.
  The thieves of Phibes' scrolls suffer an attrition problem as Inspectors Trout and Waverly chase Phibes across the world. The party is led by Beiderbeck (Robert Quarry, best known for playing Count Yorga). Although he looks young, he is several hundred years old and wants to find the River of Life in order to stay alive and be with his lover Diana (Fiona Lewis) forever. This time Phibes' murders all have an Egyptian theme to them; for example, one character is sand-blasted to death. Other deaths include someone being stung to death by scorpions, being eaten by an eagle (in the original script impaled by a gold eagle in the same way a doctor in The Abominable Dr. Phibes was impaled by a golden unicorn), and a golden snake piercing someone's skull.
  At the climax, Beiderbeck sacrifices his life in order to save Diana. The film ends with Phibes riding a raft down the River of Life with Victoria, while singing "Over the Rainbow" (which is strange, as this film is set in 1928 but "Over The Rainbow" wasn't written until 1938). It is left ambiguous whether Victoria is resurrected or not, although a picture inside the DVD shows her in the raft with her eyes open and smiling at the camera


  • 10.0HD西部慢调本·门德尔森,迈克尔·法斯宾德,罗伊·麦克凯恩,柯蒂·斯密特-麦菲,亚历克斯·麦奎因,布鲁克·威廉姆斯,凯伦·皮斯托里斯,安迪·麦克菲,杰弗瑞·托马斯,玛德琳·萨米,斯图尔特·马丁,安得烈罗伯特
  • 9.0已完结世界十大经典战役内详
  • 4.0HD感官游戏詹妮弗·杰森·李,裘德·洛,伊安·霍姆,威廉·达福,唐·麦凯勒,考乐姆·吉斯·雷尼,克里斯托弗·埃克莱斯顿,萨拉·波莉,Robert A. Silverman,Oscar Hsu,克里斯·勒姆彻,维克·萨海,Kirsten Johnson,斯蒂芬妮·贝尔丁
  • 4.0HD花落莺啼春哈迪·克鲁格,妮可·库尔塞,帕特丽夏·盖兹
  • 8.0HD中字处女的烦恼帕蒂·杜克,詹姆斯·法伦蒂洛,马丁·鲍尔萨姆,爱尔莎·兰切斯特,莎乐美·延斯,凯瑟琳·波内斯,鲍勃·巴拉班,阿尔·帕西诺
  • 5.0完结经典传奇2019曲洪禹
  • 4.0HD捕快卜曼韩志硕,于果儿,徐鹤尼,张弛
  • 1.0HD别有动机林家栋,秦岚,任达华,高圣远,
  • 6.0正片最后的罗宾汉凯文·克莱恩,苏珊·萨兰登,达科塔·范宁
  • 8.0正片我不是你的黑鬼塞缪尔·杰克逊,詹姆斯·鲍德温,哈里·贝拉方特,马龙·白兰度,乔治·W·,布什,迪克·卡维特,雷·查尔斯,加里·库珀,琼·克劳馥,托尼·柯蒂斯,多丽丝·黛,鲍勃·迪伦,苏梅里娅·哈里斯,奥黛丽·赫本,查尔顿·赫斯顿
  • 8.0正片言叶之庭入野自由,花泽香菜,平野文,前田刚,寺崎裕香,星野贵纪,井上优,潘惠美,小松未可子,早志勇纪,关根航,水野理纱,下崎纮史,石岛久仁子,村田太志,田所梓
  • 5.0HD续命之徒:绝命毒师电影亚伦·保尔,乔纳森·班克斯,马特·琼斯,查尔斯·贝克,托德·特里,朱莉·珀尔,格雷戈里·史蒂文·索里兹,拉里·哈金,杰西·普莱蒙,汤姆·鲍尔,格洛里亚·桑多瓦尔,泰丝·哈珀,迈克尔·博夫舍维尔,丹妮尔·托德斯科,斯科特·麦克阿瑟,斯科特· 谢泼德,玛拉·吉布斯,罗伯特·福斯特,布兰登·萨克斯顿,戴维·马特,凯文·兰金,布莱恩·科兰斯顿,约翰尼·奥蒂斯,克里斯滕·里特

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